DTC eCommerce Case Study

From 0 to 55,000 organic visits per month.


DTC manufacturer in a large home appliance category.


I ran all the digital marketing here, but one of the main goals was of course a solid SEO foundation for a DTC eCommerce website within the first year. Here’s how it went.


The first hurdle was the website which was in shambles. It was aged and you couldn’t even purchase online any more, the functionality had been broken and replaced with a message to call in. The traffic was nearly 0.

The company in charge of redesigning had good intentions and the result was a nice looking website, but it performed terribly. Load times upwards of 10 seconds per page. After working intensely on speeding it up I came to the conclusion that it needed redone, again.

With a snappier theme design, paired down plugins, and a few platform optimizations, we had a solid website to work with.

It is important to note that even though a solid website delivery took months, SEO was still building in the background. I started publishing optimized articles targeting the top and bottom of the funnel within a few weeks of starting.

Things quickly started picking up pace, and I continued that pace of 3-4 articles per week for around a year.

Along with that, product and category pages received continuous SEO and CRO optimizations.


We more than achieved our 1 year organic traffic targets. Both Organic traffic, and most importantly, Sales, continue to climb even further.

I drive profitable organic traffic to DTC eCommerce companies through SEO-Focused Content Marketing.

Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.