Fortune 500 Company Case Study

fortune 500

Gained over 402,000 visits per month!


Fortune 500 Company in the Financial space


This client had a well established blog already bringing in decent traffic. But they knew they could do better.

They needed to:

  1. Clean up competing content (often referred to as content cannibalization) for better rankings on those topics
  2. Optimize existing content by rewriting it with SEO tool assistance, so that it can rank higher and bring more traffic


To clean up competing content I combed through their website data and found keywords that had more than one page ranking for the same keyword at different times. After reviewing the pages to be sure they were indeed covering the same topics in a similar way, I had them rewritten and combined into 1 article, so they no longer competed.

To optimize existing content, I found articles that were on ranking on page one in positions 4-10 for their target keyword, ran an analysis on them in a SEO tool that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), and had them rewritten accordingly with a subject matter expert. The writers expertise combined with my SEO strategy and NLP analysis moved the needle on almost every article we optimized.


In 9 months time their website increased by 402,000 visits per month!

I drive profitable organic traffic to fortune 500 companies through SEO-Focused Content Marketing.

Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.